1111人力銀行幫您找萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Asia Product Manager亞洲區產品經理1111人力銀行除了提供求職、找工作、求才以及網路行銷的服務之外,還提供履歷健檢、職能測驗、薪資情報等最新消息,讓您在找工作之前先了解市場,也了解自己
我們貼心為求職者找萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Asia Product Manager亞洲區產品經理時
1111人力銀行幫您找萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Asia Product Manager亞洲區產品經理、找職缺,找本日最新工作機會!
萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Asia Product Manager亞洲區產品經理
- 工作說明:
- 1. Lead and coordinate with Design team and Asia Marketing team on marketing strategy and product/range development for all Homapal products to grow sales closer to MIP assumptions of Homapal synergy and gain market share in Asia.
2. Work closely with Homapal, Asia Operation Team, and Sales team for quotation, consolidated order placement at Asia level, special price offering, sample request and MOQ/lead time on Homapal products to ensure the business can grow market share and run smoothly without any pricing and inventory issue.
3. Develop and implement Asia marketing strategies, value propositions, range coordination, cycle plan, product launches/revamp and withdrawals for premium products in charge.
4. Responsible for Asia premium product portfolio policy and management.
5. Work with Asia Communication/Digital Manager for branding and marketing tools development synergized with digital support.
6. Manage Asia premium products from end to end, starting from product launch, sales forecast, pricing policy, promotion/incentive program development, ASP/cost control and inventory management to improve product performance and avoid any adverse financial result.
7. Oversee Asia P&L (sales, margin, and cost to serve) for premium product in charge and take necessary corrective action immediately to have sales on track. - 工作地點:
- 台北市中山區
- 工作時間:
- 日班
- 休假制度:
- 週休二日
- 工作性質:
- 全職
- 職務類別:
- 專案業務主管、國外業務主管、國內業務主管
- 工作待遇:
- 面議
- 需求人數:
- 1 人
- 管理人數:
- 未定
- 到職日期:
- 一個月內
- 職缺更新:
- 2015/10/13
- 身份類別:
- 不拘
- 學歷限制:
- 大學 以上畢業
- 科系限制:
- 不拘
- 工作經驗:
- 5年以上工作經驗
- 語言能力:
- 英文 聽:精通 說:精通 讀:精通
萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Asia Product Manager亞洲區產品經理

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